American Pain Society – Mission, Competitors, Definition of Pain & Views on Chronic Pain

American Pain Society – Mission, Competitors, Definition of Pain & Views on Chronic Pain

The American Pain Society (APS) formed on 6 March 1977 was a professional membership organization and a national chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). In June 2019, the American Pain Society was forced to close amid allegations that it colluded with pharmaceutical companies producing opioids. 

The American Pain Society (APS) revised and expanded its Quality Improvement Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute Pain and Cancer Pain and to facilitate improvements in the quality of pain management in all care settings. Penney Cowan is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the American Chronic Pain Association. As a chronic pain sufferer herself, she established the organization in 1980 to help others living with the condition.

What is American Pain Society?

The American Pain Society is a multidisciplinary organization that brings together a different group of scientists, clinicians, and other professionals to expand the knowledge of pain and clinical practice to reduce pain-related suffering. American Pain Society recommended that patients should be routinely screened for pain, and when it is present, pain intensity should be recorded in highly visible ways that facilitate regular review by health care providers.

Mission of American Pain Society

The main motive of American Pain Society is to improve the quality of life for those living with pain through information, education, and support that connects persons with pain to each other and to those that can help. Health care staff provides information and support for pain sufferers, those who care for them and about them.

American Pain Society - Mission, Competitors, Definition of Pain & Views on Chronic Pain

Competitors of American Pain Society

Competitors of American Pain Society are American Association for Respiratory Care, American Gastroenterological Association, St Anthony of Padua High Ridge Catholic Church, Boro Park Jewish Community Council Inc., Felician Sisters of North America, Life Care Solutions, Greene County Health Care, Incorporated, Meadowview Baptist, Washington Health Care Association, St. Clare’s, Oxford., Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, Iowa, Keiro, Adrian Dominican Sisters, FAIR Health, Washington Regional Alcohol Program, The Episcopal Church, Hillview Mental Health Center, Inc., Pleasant Hill Village, St. John’s Health Foundation, Carolinas Care Partnership.

Definition of Pain by American Pain Society

Pain is an emotion, Uncomfortable feeling that can only be felt and it can occur in any part of the body and it is experienced by every person sometime or the other. We feel it many times when we stumble or get hurt. This also happens because veins are spread in all parts of our body. Many times the nerves get damaged due to stumbling or any injury. This also affects the circulation of blood, which causes pain. The feeling of pain occurs when the nerves transmit its message to the brain.

There are many types of pain and there are many reasons for it. These reasons can be mental as well as physical. It can also be for a short period of time and can also last for a long time. It can occur in any one part of the body and can also spread throughout the body. Precisely speaking, there is no definition of pain. The sign of any internal problem can be called pain.

American Pain Society on Chronic Pain

Everyone has the problem of body pain. Sometimes it starts from an early age. With increasing age, the problem of body pain also starts increasing. Some pains in the body can be cured by taking pain killer many times, but there are many such pains which remain for a long time. Many types of misconceptions are also present in people regarding body pain. Many times people consider it as the reason for the weather, but it is not so.

Many times people ignore recurring minor and normal physical pain, but if you are facing frequent pain problem then you should not ignore it. Such pain can give you a big problem in future. If the pain gets cured with pain killer and then it happens again then you should immediately consult your expert.

Types of Pain

We all feel pain in different ways. That’s why it’s so hard to describe what kind of pain you are feeling differently from others. It is also possible for a person to experience more than one pain, which only adds to the troubles. There are two types of pain.

  • Acute pain- Acute pain is pain caused by injury or disease. It gets better on its own after some time or after treatment. Acute pain turns into chronic pain, different kinds of Acute pain are:
  1. Somatic pain
  2. Visceral pain
  3. Referred pain
  • Chronic pain- Chronic pain lasts for a longer period of time than acute pain. Often there is no cure for it. It can be mild or severe. In chronic pain, the body continues to send pain signals to the brain.